A Congregation of the Reformed Church in America
Sunday Worship Service -
A Prayer Team member will be available in the front of the Sanctuary to pray with you following the worship service.
Lakeview is accessible to persons with disabilities and looped for the hard of hearing.
Our Life, Ministry, and Mission: To Have Hearts Centered on Christ and Hearts Open to Our Neighbors
Thank you to Rev. Lynn Allhusen for leading us in worship this morning.
Thank you to today’s Coffee Hour Hosts: Members of the Community Life Committee.
Hats, Mittens, & Socks – Please help us to keep the Hats, Mittens, & Socks Chest (located at the rear of the Sanctuary) filled for adults and children in need.
Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf – The March focus is canned tomatoes (spicey, diced, whole, etc.) and condiments. Today is the last Sunday to collect for the
March focus; volunteers are needed to help load food into the cars going to the GEFS on Monday morning. Thank you, everyone, for your support of the GEFS in March.
They are always happy to see us. The April focus is: Chunky Soup, Chili, Pudding, and Jell-O.
Mission Share – Mission Share is still collecting spaghetti sauce and tomato sauce. Please add these items to your shopping lists. Thank you!
Rob McCulloch is still collecting “clean” bottles and cans from Lakeview for the Mission Share Outreach Center. Our monthly focus continues to be pasta of any
kind. Thank you to all who continue to drop items in our Mission Share baskets.
Tuesday Night Bible Study – April 1, 6:30 PM, meeting in the Fellowship Hall
Juliet’s Luncheon – Friday, April 25, 12:30 PM, Place to be determined. If you plan to attend, please contact Dottie Mason.
Vacation – Pastor Rick & Rose will be on vacation through March 30. Please contact one of the elders if you have concerns or prayer needs.
Flowers for Sunday Services – The sign-up sheet to purchase flowers to decorate the Sanctuary on Sundays is posted in the Fellowship Hall. Please stop by and sign up for one (or more) dates. The cost is $25.00 payable by cash or check (made payable to Sherry Romanczyk).
Thank-You Dinner – The Outreach Committee will be holding a thank-you dinner for the Lakeshore Fire Department on April 2. We are asking the congregation to participate by donating items for brownie sundaes. Please see the sign-up sheet in the narthex. All items need to be left in the kitchen labeled ‘for firemen‘ by today. Thank you!
Upper Room Supper – (Women Only at this time). In the fellowship hall is the sign-up for the Upper Room Supper, Tuesday, April 15, at 6:30 PM. There are two sign-ups: One for attending, and the other for food. Questions can be directed to Rose Admiraal or Faye Cole.
Maundy Thursday – Worship Service (with Communion) will be held at 7:00 PM on April 17. Please mark your calendars.
Consistory – Approved updates (mainly painting) for the fellowship hall. This will begin soon. Contact Rose Admiraal if you want to help.
Flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are from Becky & Wayne Hibbard in loving memory of Sandy Carpenter.
WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS for Sunday, March 30, 2025…
Preaching: Rev. Lynn Allhusen
Choir Director & Keyboardist: Lynnann Rivas
Greeter: Kathy Inzana
Projection System Operators: Audrey Blocchi, Dottie Mason
Prayer Leader: Faye Cole
Praise Team Leader: Kevin Griffith
Sound System Operator: David Van Slyke
Worship Assistant: Anthony Griffin
This Week’s Events at Lakeview…
March 31 – Scouts, 6:00-9:00 PM, Fellowship Hall
April 01 – Bible Study, 6:30 PM, Fellowship Hall
April 02 – AA Group Meeting, 5:00-6:45 PM, Fellowship Hall
April 02 – Praise Team Rehearsal, 5:00 PM, Sanctuary
April 02 – Choir Rehearsal, 6:00 PM, Sanctuary