A Congregation of the Reformed Church in America

Sunday Worship Service -

A Prayer Team member will be available in the front of the Sanctuary to pray with you following the worship service.
Lakeview is accessible to persons with disabilities and looped for the hard of hearing.

Good News. No Boundaries.

Words of Hope is an international media ministry working to build the church throughout the world. They focus on areas that are hard to reach with the gospel, either because of poverty, geography, or social antagonism toward Christianity. They partner with existing Christian organizations in these hard-to-reach countries and equip them to more effectively minister in their own language and context, among their own people.   One of their “products” is a daily devotional from writers like Steven Rodriguez, Lou Lotz, Kevin DeYoung, and A. W. Tozer.  A link is provided below so you may intensify your devotional experience.

For today’s Words of Hope devotional click here.

To learn more about Words of Hope Ministries click here.