A Congregation of the Reformed Church in America
Sunday Worship Service -
A Prayer Team member will be available in the front of the Sanctuary to pray with you following the worship service.
Lakeview is accessible to persons with disabilities and looped for the hard of hearing.
Daily Bible Verse
Our Life, Ministry, and Mission: To Have Hearts Centered on Christ and Hearts Open to Our Neighbors
Attendance Pads – Please check your pew for the attendance pad and pass it to your neighbor for his/her signature and any updates or changes to your phone numbers or email addresses. Thank you.
Sunday Offering – “Greeters, please have four people ready to pass the offering plates each week.” Instruction sheet for Greeters is located on the table in the narthex by doors closest to the Choir pews.
Thank you to today’s Advent Readers and Candle Lighters: David and Cheryl Griggs
Coffee Hour – Thank you to Kathi Kehrli, for hosting this morning’s Coffee Hour.
Annual Report – Copies have been placed on the table in the narthex, along with copies of the Absentee Ballot. Please affirm the nominees for Elder and Deacon.
Lakeviewer – No December Lakeviewer will be published, but we will start fresh in 2025 with a January/February issue. Anyone wishing to include an article for this issue please submit to Dotti Fries by December 16.
Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf – Our annual Advent Sacrifice is being held today through December 15. Please consider sacrificing one meal and using the money that would have been spent on that meal to purchase food for GEFS. Marked boxes will be in the Narthex for your donations, which will be delivered December 16. The December focus will be Sardines or canned luncheon meat and canned vegetables. And if you have a fondness for dogs and cats, they also need food.
Hats, Mittens, & Socks – The Hat, Mitten, and Sock Chest (located at the rear of the Sanctuary) is ready to be filled again for adults and children in need. Please help us keep the chest full during the winter months.
Mission Share – The Christmas Hope list for a family of six (Mom and 5 children) with their names and wishes can be found on a display board in the Narthex. If you have any extra holiday gift wrap or gift tags, Colleen could use them. If you would like to assist Colleen with this project, please call her at 585-455-3217.
Rob McCulloch continues to collect “clean” bottles and cans for the Mission Share Outreach Center at Lakeview. Our monthly donation continues to be pasta of any kind. Thank you to all who continue to drop items in our Mission Share baskets.
Rochester Amerks Hockey Night – Thursday, January 17, 2025 at 7 PM – Save the Date. Lakeview is sponsoring a family and friend’s hockey game outing and hope to see you there. More details to follow.
Lakeview Annual Meeting – Friday, December 6 – 5:30 PM Potluck
(Soup for Supper Theme) followed at 6:30 PM with Annual Meeting.
During the Annual Meeting, we will affirm the nominees for Elder and Deacon.
Consistory Nominees: Patty DeLuzio for Deacon; Mark Gill for Elder
Rose Admiraal is also nominated for Elder for the purpose of becoming a
commissioned pastor (not serving on Consistory).
Thank you, Patty, Mark and Rose, for graciously accepting this calling.
Lakeview Ladies Tea – Sunday, December 8, 2024, 3:00-5:00 PM, Fellowship Hall. Sign-up sheet to attend the “TEA” and bring an appetizer, etc. is located in the Narthex.
Juliet’s Christmas Luncheon –Friday, December 27, 4:00 PM at the Brook House. Please contact Karen Huey if interested in attending. Need to confirm the number attending ASAP with the Brook House to hold our reservation.
Flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are from the Hibbard Family In Memory of Loved Ones
Congregational giving on November 24, 2024 was $2,341.00
Monthly Mission – Salvation Army $25.00
This Week’s Events at Lakeview…
December 2 – Scouts, 6:00-9:00 PM, Fellowship Hall
December 4 – AA Group Meeting, 5:00-6:45 PM, Fellowship Hall
December 5 – Praise Team Rehearsal, 5:00 PM, Sanctuary
December 5 – Choir Rehearsal, 6:00 PM, Sanctuary
December 6 – Outreach Committee, 6:30 PM, Fellowship Hall
December 7 – Annual Meeting; Potluck (Soup for Supper Theme) 5:30 PM
Fellowship Hall, Meeting, 6:30 PM Sanctuary
Preaching: Rev. Rick Admiraal
Choir Director & Keyboardist: Lynnann Rivas
Greeter: Kathy Inzana
Projection System Operators: Audrey Blocchi, Dottie Mason
Prayer Leader: Becky Hibbard
Praise Team Leader: Kevin Griffith
Sound System Operator: Joe Romanczyk
Worship Assistant: Molly Ives