A Congregation of the Reformed Church in America
Sunday Worship Service -
A Prayer Team member will be available in the front of the Sanctuary to pray with you following the worship service.
Lakeview is accessible to persons with disabilities and looped for the hard of hearing.
Daily Bible Verse
Our Life, Ministry, and Mission: To Have Hearts Centered on Christ and Hearts Open to Our Neighbors
Thank you to today’s Coffee Hour Hosts, Anthony & Leslie Griffin.
BIBLE STUDY – Jesus Calling Bible Study ― we start this Tuesday, 2/11/25, at 6:30 PM. If you forgot to sign up, I have ordered a few extra books. The cost will
be $7.50/per book. If you are able, payment can be made to Rose Admiraal. I look forward to starting this session of “Trusting in Christ” with you!
Juliet’s Luncheon – Friday, February 28, 12:30 PM, Place: Asian Buffet (Stoneridge Plaza, 1514 West Ridge Road). Both Chinese and American cuisine are available. If you plan to attend, a sign-up sheet will be placed in the narthex, or please contact Dottie Mason.
Hats, Mittens, & Socks – Please help us to keep the Hat, Mitten, and Sock Chest (located at the rear of the Sanctuary) filled for adults and children in need during
these winter months.
Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf – The February focus is Cereal and Canned Fruit. Please consider adding these items to your grocery list.
Mission Share –Rob McCulloch is still collecting “clean” bottles and cans from Lakeview for the Mission Share Outreach Center. Our monthly focus continues
to be pasta of any kind. Thank you to all who continue to drop items in our Mission Share baskets.
Renewed Leadership Retreat – Pastor Rick will attend a leadership conference in Los Angeles, California, February 10-February 12. He will be back in the office on Thursday, February 13. Please feel free to contact one of the church elders if you have a question or concern.
Upper Room Supper – Anyone interested in planning and preparing for this year’s Upper Room Supper is invited to attend a meeting in the Founders’ Room after the worship service on Sunday, February 16. Contact Person: Faye Cole
Flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are from Dagmar Doland for blessings received.
WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS for Sunday, February 9, 2025…
Preaching: Rose Admiraal
Choir Director & Keyboardist: Lynnann Rivas
Greeter: Marlene Morrison
Projection System Operators: Audrey Blocchi, Dottie Mason
Prayer Leader: Jane Egan
Praise Team Leader: Kevin Griffith
Sound System Operator: Bill Foster
Worship Assistant: Dianne Pettifer**
This Week’s Events at Lakeview…
February 10 – Scouts, 6:00-9:00 PM, Fellowship Hall
February 10 – Finance Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, Founders’ room
February 11 – Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 PM, Fellowship Hall
February 12 – AA Group Meeting, 5:00-6:45 PM, Fellowship Hall
February 12 – Rejoice! Rehearsal, 5:00 PM, Sanctuary
February 12 – Choir Rehearsal, 6:00 PM, Sanctuary
February 13 – Suburban Rochester Art Group, 1:00-3:30 PM, Fellowship Hall
February 13 – Grandview Heights Assn. Meeting, 7:00-9:00 PM, Fellowship Hall