A Congregation of the Reformed Church in America

Sunday Worship Service -

A Prayer Team member will be available in the front of the Sanctuary to pray with you following the worship service.
Lakeview is accessible to persons with disabilities and looped for the hard of hearing.



 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Lakeview is very active and dedicated to supporting a multitude of missions that extend the hand of Christian fellowship to people in the local community and abroad.

Velix Plaisir and Fran Leeman

Velix Plaisir and Fran Leeman in Haiti

1.  An ongoing mission for Lakeview is New Life for Haiti.  Former Pastor Steven’s spouse, Joanna, shares her views on this important mission and how it serves the storm and earthquake ravaged people of Haiti.  Listen here to her explanation of this mission, one that her father, Fran Leeman is engaged  in this Caribbean country.  Watch this youtube video of some of the successes achieved through this mission.  Visit their Facebook page by clicking here.

2 Lakeview is honored to belong to a coalition of several Town of Greece Churches who have come together to support Mission Share Outreach Center on an on-going basis.  Mission Share was formed to provide for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of people in our community.  Volunteers are always needed to help with the many fund raising and assistance activities of Mission Share.  Special needs for 2024 are:  pasta and toiletries.

3.  Each month Lakeview has been selecting a mission as their “Mission-of-the-Month” for special recognition and support.   For 2024, Lakeview will be focusing on a particular mission for two months instead of one so that more effort can be applied to the six selected.  The mission for September-October is Cameron Community Ministries.

4.  Lakeview Church has been supporting the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf for many years.  Each month the emphasis is placed on food items that are in particular need.  For October the focus is on Cereal and Canned Pineapple.

