Welcome to our Activities Page. Here’s a place to see what else we do at Lakeview
Sunday School
Boy Scout Troop 18
At 7:00pm most Mondays (in the Fellowship Hall). Lakeview is happy to host this dynamic troop which actively supports the Scouting movement in the Lakeshore area of Greece. A Cub Scout Pack is soon to join.
New to Lakeview is Cub Pack 278 which meets in the fellowship hall at 6 PM Mondays.
Camp Fowler:
For summertime camping with camp activities focused on a Christian perspective it is difficult to beat Fowler Camp and Retreat Center in Speculator, NY. (click here to visit)
Men’s Breakfast (Hilton Family Restaurant) 7:30am. Men gather together at this popular eatery to discuss their day and the challenges it offers. This hour long time of conversation (and a bite to eat) is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of one another and to share concerns and comforts. New faces are always welcome.
Not to be left behind, the Ladies of Lakeview (Juliets), meet regularly on Fridays of each month to enjoy a lunch with one another.
Our choir is small but wonderful. We’re blessed with a talented Music Director and an active Praise band. Rehearsals for both are on Wednesday evenings. New voices and instrument talents are always welcome.
Hear the congregation sing:
Community Activities
Many neighborhood associations and other not-for-profit groups meet at Lakeview on a regular basis.
Library Group
Membership: The Library Committee invites everyone at Lakeview to use the library and/or be a part of the Library Committee.
Meeting Schedule: Approximately every three months. Meeting dates are agreed upon by the Committee and printed in the church bulletin prior to the meeting.
Activities: The Committee strives to keep the Library updated with current books and materials on a regular basis.
Getting Involved: All are welcome. Donations of recently published books (within last 10 years) are appreciated
Prayers: For those in need, please feel free to call the church office 227-4910, or email .
Study: A popular study resource among people at Lakeview Church is “Our Daily Bread“, a free daily bible study tract which includes the thinking of Christians about various topics related to today’s world experiences.
More: Other groups meeting at Lakeview include: Lakeshore Garden Club, Grandview Beach Assoc., Grandview Heights Assoc., Marland Shores Assoc., and Beatty Beach Assoc. Lakeview also hosts two polling places at election time.