Thank you to today’s Advent Readers & Candle Lighters: Diane Phelps and Tom Duthoy.
Coffee Hour – Thank you to the members of the Community Life Committee for hosting today’s Coffee Hour.
Election of Officers: At the Annual Meeting held on December 6, Patty DeLuzio (deacon) and Mark Gill (elder) were elected to serve on Consistory. In addition, Rose Admiraal was elected elder to meet a requirement of the Commissioned Pastor Program in the RCA. A special service will be held on Sunday, January 5, for the installation of new consistory members and the ordination of Rose as an elder.
“Lakeviewer”– Because of the Christmas holidays, the January/February newsletter will be distributed on December 27.
Juliet’s Christmas Luncheon – Friday, December 27, 4:00 PM at Red Fedele’s Brook House (920 Elmridge Center Drive, Rochester, NY 14626). Please contact Karen Huey if interested in attending as we need to confirm the number attending ASAP with the Brook House to hold our reservation.
Offering Envelopes – The 2025 offering envelopes are in the narthex for you to pick up. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Viney at or 317-3733.
Hats, Mittens, & Socks – The Hat, Mitten, and Sock Chest (located at the rear of the Sanctuary) is ready to be filled again for adults and children in need. Please help us keep the chest full during the winter months.
Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf – January focus items will be chunky soup, chili, coffee and tea.
Mission Share – Thank you to all who contributed to the family of six (Mom and five children) for the Christmas Hope list with food, clothing, and toys. Rob McCulloch continues to collect “clean” bottles and cans for the Mission Share Outreach Center at Lakeview. Our monthly donation continues to be pasta of any kind. Thank you to all who continue to drop items in our Mission
Share baskets.
Consistory Mini-Minutes: The Lakeview Consistory met on Monday, Nov. 18.
1. Pastor Rick led devotions – “Fear Not!” (Isaiah 41:10)
2. We welcomed new deacon, Patty DeLuzio; and new elder, Mark Gill.
3. We thanked Dottie Mason for her service as deacon.
4. We approved a bid from an electrical contractor to improve our outdoor lighting.
5. We reviewed the annual congregation meeting with a focus on financial matters.
Choir Rehearsals and Praise Band Rehearsals will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 8.
2025 Secret Prayer Pal Program – As many of you know, the SPP has been in existence at Lakeview for many, many years; and we are continuing again in 2025. As a reminder, those who participate in the SPP Program are given a person to pray for throughout the year. Some Prayer Pals, in addition to prayer, send cards or give small gifts to their SPP; but remember, the purpose of this program is PRAYER (cards and gifts are not expected or required). If you are interested in participating, please complete the SPP form that can be found in the Narthex, or you may give it directly to Audrey Blocchi by Sunday, January 19, 2025. The breakfast to reveal the 2024 Secret Prayer Pals will be held on Saturday, January 18, at 9:00 AM, in the Fellowship Hall.
Flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are from the Hettel and Howell family in loving memory of Richard Howell.