Lakeview Community Church Announcements – Sunday, January 19, 2025
Coffee Hour – Thank you to Dottie Mason for hosting today’s Coffee Hour.
Lakeview Ladies’ Group Meeting – Tuesday, January 21, 10:00 AM, Founders’ Room
Consistory Meeting – Moved to Monday, January 27, 7:00 PM, Founders’ Room2025 Secret Prayer Pal Program – The SPP has been in existence at Lakeview for many, many years; and we are continuing in 2025. Those who participate in the SPP Program are given a person to pray for throughout the year. Some Prayer Pals, in addition to prayer, send cards or give small gifts to their SPP; but remember, the purpose of this program is PRAYER (cards and gifts are not expected or required). If interested in participating, please complete the SPP form that can be found in the Narthex; and give it directly to Audrey Blocchi by TODAY. Thank you!
Visitation at New Comer Funeral Home – If you wish to provide comfort or solace to Patty DeLuzio on the death of her mother, Eleanor Thornton, the family will receive condolences at the Newcomer Funeral Home (located at 2636 Ridgeway Avenue, Rochester, NY 14626) on Monday, January 20, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Juliet’s Luncheon – Friday, January 24, 12:30 PM, Rochester Yacht Club (5555 Saint Paul Blvd, Rochester, NY 14617). A sign-up sheet to attend has been placed in the narthex, or you can contact Betsy Leipold or Dottie Mason.
Monthly Mission – A special collection will be received on Sunday, January 26, for our Jan/Feb monthly mission, Saving Grace Ministries. Speaker will be Jim Crowley. Since 1999, Saving Grace Ministries has provided safe, affordable, and stable housing for homeless individuals while empowering them to regain their independence and achieve their full potential. Through partnerships with local organizations and individualized case management, they aim to provide solutions to the problem of homelessness by providing opportunities for employment, medical & mental health treatment, and housing search assistance.Flowers for the Sanctuary – Please consider signing up to place flowers in the Sanctury on Sunday mornings. Cost of the flowers in 2025 is $25.00, payable by cash or check (payable to Sherry Romanczyk).
Hats, Mittens, & Socks – Please help us to keep the Hat, Mitten, and Sock Chest (located at the rear of the Sanctuary) filled for adults and children in need during
the winter months.Offering Envelopes – Two boxes of the 2025 offering envelopes remain in the narthex to be picked up. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Viney
at or 317-3733.
Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf – January Focus: GEFS would like Chunky-Style Soup, Chili, Coffee, or Tea; and if you love pets — please donate some dog or cat
food. Thank you!Mission Share – Rob McCulloch is still collecting “clean” bottles and cans from Lakeview for the Mission Share Outreach Center. Our monthly focus continues
to be pasta of any kind. Thank you to all who continue to drop items in our Mission Share baskets.Jar Challenge Update – Look for the next challenge on Sunday, February 2!
Red Cross Blood Drive at Lakeview – Saturday, February 8, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM – Contact Becky Hibbard at or call/text Becky at 585-506-2449.
Flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are from Molly Ives for Family Blessings!WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS for Sunday, January 19, 2025…
Preaching: Pastor Rick Admiraal
Choir Director & Keyboardist: Lynnann Rivas
Greeters: Rich & Lynn Allhusen
Projection System Operators: Audrey Blocchi, Dottie Mason
Prayer Leader: Dianne Pettifer
Praise Team Leader: Kevin Griffith
Sound System Operator: Dave GriggsThis Week’s Events at Lakeview…
January 20 – Scouts, 6:00-9:00 PM, Fellowship Hall
January 21 – Lakeview Ladies’ Group Meeting, 10:00 AM, Founders’ Room
January 22 – AA Group Meeting, 5:00-6:45 PM, Fellowship Hall
January 22 – Rejoice! Rehearsal, 5:00 PM, Sanctuary
January 22 – Choir Rehearsal, 6:00 PM, Sanctuary
January 23 – Outreach Committee Meeting, 6:30 PM, Fellowship Hall
January 24 – Juliet’s Luncheon, 12:30 PM, Rochester Yacht Club
January 27 – Consistory Meeting, 7:00 PM, Founders’ RoomThe Reverend Rick Admiraal (Pastor)Lakeview Community Church30 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14612
(585) 227-4910Church Secretary – Dotti
Church Office Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
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